Our Story

New Community is a thriving group of passionate people who are pursuing God and discovering what it means to live like Jesus in today's world. There are about 400-500 of us that meet in a whole range of places and formats. We have grown and are still growing!

How it all started...

It was in 2002 that New Community began.  

We were just a small group of 22 (& a handful of children) grappling with following Jesus in the burbs of Melbourne.  We wanted to connect with people in our community and create a space where they could explore their spirituality from a Jesus perspective.  That’s why patterning our lives after Jesus, and making him accessible to others a little less traveled, is still our desire today.

Community Minded...

New Community is a diverse mix of community minded people. We believe that to belong is the desire of every human heart. Whatever your culture or creed, background or experience, we want you to know that you are welcome to belong and participate in the life of New Community as we seek to orientate ourselves around the person and pursuits of Jesus.


When it comes to things of faith, New Community is a bit of a mixed bag.  
There are a number who have followed Jesus for quite some time whilst others are just exploring where God might fit into their lives. No matter where you are in your own spiritual journey you are welcome to participate with us as we seek to partner with God in shaping his world for good.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather at 10am or 5pm at Maroondah Federation Estate.
Check out the different groups of people that are part of the life of New Community.

Our Indigenous Journey...

After setting aside time to listen to Indigenous people from across our Nation, we have been moved by their stories of loss, pain and dislocation as a result of European settlement.

As followers of Jesus Christ we are called to love our neighbours. If this is true of us, then surely this love extends to the first people of this land.

So in keeping with this desire, we wish to acknowledge the Aboriginal people God placed upon this land and in particular the Wurundjeri. They were the first custodians and caretakers of this land upon which we now build our lives and gather to worship.

We look to the day when God will bring his new creation, but in the mean time we commit ourselves to seek the welfare of all people, including our Indigenous brothers and sisters,. Where we have opportunity, we will act and we will speak up.